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Neysa Buckle

This is my effort to help people tap into their innate ability to experience happiness and positive, uplifting emotions to improve self-care, self-awareness, relationships and coping abilities.
Mentally and emotionally flexible people make better decisions from which we all benefit. 
There are many health benefits from the ability to maintain or quickly regain a stable mood.

The Science of Empowerment


“When a person is in a more coherent state there is a shift in the relative autonomic balance toward increased parasympathetic activity (vagal tone), increased heart-brain synchronization and entrainment between diverse physiological systems. In this mode, the body’s systems function with a high degree of efficiency and harmony and natural regenerative processes are facilitated.” -HeartMath
In the first half of this video I’m using biofeedback to test the effectiveness of Breathing Healing Mantras, which I’ve constructed and published on google play books. In the second half I’m listening to neuroacoustic music to compare the effects.
My practice has transitioned from office-based bio/neurofeedback to modalities that are more compatible with telemedicine-treatment delivery.
In addition to mental health “talk” therapy, consulting is available for online clients who are interested in non-pharmaceutical approaches to health and wellness. Combining technology with behavioral techniques can produce powerful and empowering results. One example is AVE combined with hypnosis.
Interventions are based on my personal journey recovering from injuries sustained in a fatal auto accident many years ago, plus knowledge of behavioral medicine, and subsequent clinical practice at MindSpa Sarasota, in addition to a graduate degree and 15 years (at that time) practicing behavior therapy.*
Mental/emotional distress invariably produces physical symptoms just as physical injury/illness always has a mental/emotional component. Effective treatment addresses the whole person.
That event, combined with an aversion to the health-care system in this country, renewed my quest to provide clients with more empowering methods to attain and maintain physical and mental health.
Everything is connected. Our bodies are designed to alert or rescue us from ‘danger’ – real and imagined.
Fortunately, we’re born with some amazing, innate abilities to self-regulate physical, mental, and emotional pain. Technology can be a very useful adjunct to skill acquisition.
I have personally used the devices and techniques described here (plus PEMF and TENS), and delivered these treatments to clients.

*I highly recommend obtaining a brain map for possible neurofeedback if a concussion, head injury, cognitive, behavioral, or emotional distress, or broken bones result from an impact.



Entrainment & Cranio-Electrical Stimulation (CES)

Low Level Laser

Biofeedback devices increase your awareness of physiological responses to stimuli (otherwise known as Life), which allows you to learn a new, more adaptive response.
Benefits include improvement in a wide range of physical and mental health conditions.
Audio-Visual Entrainment (AVE) devices deliver an audio and/or visual stimulus to which your brainwaves will synchronize to improve mental functioning and performance.
CES is the application of a mild electrical current to the brain to improve neurotransmitter production.
Also referred to as a Cold Laser, LLLT devices emit visible light at varying wavelengths, which stimulates cellular processes.
Benefits include pain relief, tissue repair, and reduced inflammation.
A meta- analysis study by Gilula & Kirsch (2005) of 290 depressives showed a direct comparison of CES against various depression medications. -Dave Siever, C.E.T. 2014

Relaxation Training

Clinical Hypnosis

Lifestyle & Environment

Techniques to train more adaptive physical and mental responses to conditioned stressors.
Elicits the relaxation response, which slows breathing, relaxes muscles and reduces blood pressure.
By increasing receptivity to verbal suggestions, clinical hypnosis builds on the relaxation response to shift clients from habitual, unwanted patterns to new possibilities.
Lifestyle examples include good nutrition and healthy eating habits. Restful sleep. Regular physical activity. Stable and enjoyable  relationships. Work-life balance. Curiosity. Constructive participation and purpose in life.
Environmental examples include economic opportunities. Access to safe and affordable housing. Freedom from harassment, intimidation, coercion, bullying, and physical or lethal aggression.

“Talk Therapy Doesn’t Work”

Somehow I found myself in a conversation recently with a female acquaintance about mental health and “talk therapy”. We had previously enjoyed many friendly conversations… however, this one evolved from lighthearted topics and banter into hearing about her remarkably stressful experiences navigating the mental health system on behalf of her husband.

Becoming increasingly agitated while recounting her desperation and despair, the woman repeatedly stated that “talk therapy doesn’t work”. That’s a strong statement in light of my decades-long career as a mental health therapist. However, it sheds light on a few things, including the rush to medicate vs starting with a less invasive approach; psychiatry vs non-pharmaceutical interventions; and the role of confounding variables in treatment.

As the discussion kicked off, I observed that her husband’s retirement likely triggered obsessive catastrophic thoughts of getting cancer, which in turn triggered compulsive visits to various doctors. She identified an event when her husband was a young man in which he was told by a doctor that an injury, for which he was being treated at that time, could cause cancer later in life. She strongly agreed that he later became stuck in rumination (which I refer to as ‘stewing in your own juices’).

As her aging husband became increasingly fearful and agitated he was subjected to numerous medical tests and treatments involving medication, ECT (“shock therapy”), hospitalization, and apparently “talk therapy”. Though it’s not clear whether the ‘talk therapy’ was part of his visits to various psychiatrists. She was becoming increasingly angry and agitated, which made it difficult to extract the particulars.

The upshot is that his psychotic episodes became more frequent and more intense; he could not be dissuaded by his wife from the conviction that he was dying as ‘evidenced’ by bizarre hallucinations involving his body. She regularly reminded him of his family’s longevity and that he likely had a couple more decades. Her husband passed away last year.

When a patient is subjected to different treatments simultaneously such as medication and ‘talk therapy’ or ‘talk therapy’ and you-name-it, there are at least two interventions at play. How is it conclusive that ‘talk therapy’ is the intervention that doesn’t work?

What was the ‘talk therapy’? There are a lot of different flavors depending on education, training, experience, etc. The preponderance of potential treatments was another source of agitation and confusion for this woman. How to find what works? What are the most important criteria to apply? Is it the clinician’s advertising budget, self-promotion, smiling pictures? Is it the recommendation of others? Is it the ability to discern the likely efficacy based on accredited education, professional credentials and experience?

Delivering more than one treatment at a time creates confounding variables. It’s like throwing interventions at the wall and hoping one sticks. But which one actually stuck? Which one provided the needed results? The only way to know is to deliver one treatment at a time and carefully track the results over a reasonable amount of time. Know the target behaviors.

Hence the importance of evidence-based treatment modalities when selecting ‘talk therapy’. Do your homework and know your criteria. It’s difficult enough to discern reality in this fabricated, photo-shopped, 21st- century AI world. Using an information / decision matrix can help sort out what’s best for you.


Books available on Google Play Books

Feedback from Light Bulbs Reader 2023:

“Five Stars!! It’s a delightfully quick read, providing insight into the mind and its mechanisms of understanding and reacting to the environment. I hope the author continues to expand our understanding with more books on this topic in the future.” – Sky S.