Life & Goals - Health & Wellness - Mood & Emotion Regulation
“I wanted to say thank you. I saw you as a client back in I think it was 2006/2007, in Bradenton. It was through EAP. I had a substance abuse problem, and thanks to you, I was able to come to terms with this. I have now been clean off of all substances for nearly 13 years. My life has greatly improved. I’ve been with (name of company) for almost 14 years now, and have also returned to college to get my degree. I’ve taken up the study of Forensic Psychology as my major, and am also going to pursue my master’s degree in counseling/therapy. I’m forever grateful for you guiding me and gently pushing me to go to N.A. meetings. It saved my life. I’ve gained so much as a result of recovery and I have learned so much about myself. I’ve done things I never thought were possible. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for helping me through my tough times, and for being there when I needed help the most.”
Life & Goals
Five sessions with an online Client: “Thank you so much! You are incredible and have helped me so much. I am so thankful for everything you do.”
Mood & Emotion Regulation - Life & Goals
This is from a Licensed Clinical Social Worker: “After my own (inaccurate diagnosis of bipolar disorder circa age 27) and my own treatment, I have adopted a more holistic approach. I feel that the current mental health system fails so many; fueled by archaic dogma based upon medical western disease models. I firmly believe that I was inaccurately diagnosed with bipolar disorder… which was really a complex trauma reaction. I was medicated by big Pharma who cash in billions and billions of dollars by well-meaning psychiatrists. Who treat symptoms… who just get free lunches and dole out medications based on rich pharmaceutical companies courting them. I wholeheartedly believe that a couple of decades of my life were spent numbed out (on dozens of different antidepressants and mood stabilizers). I wasn’t able to experience or learn how to experience (distress) tolerance of past emotional wounds until I met Neysa Buckle who introduced me to, and taught me DBT skills. This was a game changer–the skills that I learned/DBT–mood regulation, etc. And now without medication, I am able to embrace my creativity as my brain continues to awaken and [experience] the primal things that everyone needs, e.g., meaningful work, exercise, cleaner eating, socialization and finding my passions and dreams. I’m happier than I’ve ever been.”
Personal & Relationships
One session with an online Client: “I’m doing very well! I just took my power back and stopped listening to the drama. I told my children that obviously our perceptions of our realities differ and we can either live in the moment and love and accept each other or they can continue to beat themselves up trying to change the past. I thank you so much. You have no idea how much you helped me in our short time together. I am keeping your information and will reach out to you if I feel myself slipping. Thank you!”
Life & Goals
This refers to a custom Hypnosis MP3 I recorded for a Client: “Thank you so much! That recording is worth 10 enthusiastic recommendations!”
Mood & Emotion Regulation
This is from a medical professional: “I started seeing Neysa when my high anxiety level was wreaking havoc in my life. When I began therapy, my average anxiety level was around an 8 (on a scale of 10). I must admit that some of her methods seemed a bit odd to me after visiting multiple “traditional” therapists in the past with no positive changes. I was particularly hesitant to try hypnosis, which really ended up speeding my transition to who I am today. I am happy to report that my average anxiety level is down to a 2 out of 10 on a consistent basis. I am now able to enjoy my life, have positive relationships and finally have self confidence. I would highly recommend Neysa to anyone who is dealing with issues and is motivated to make positive changes in their lives.”
Health & Wellness
This is one of my favorite testimonials from a Client with whom I conducted hypnosis: “Ever since my 18th birthday when I had to get blood drawn to test for mono, I have had a fear of needles. I passed out after getting my blood drawn in the hospital, fell into a door frame and hit my head. I have been seeing Neysa for awhile now and we have recently been working on this ‘fear’ of mine. I have used coping statements, countdowns, breathing techniques, visualization etc., that Neysa has taught me for my PTSD and she assured me the same techniques would work in this case. I had a medical procedure that left me in severe pain and the feeling that I was either going to pass out, throw up, or both. We did hypnosis. Next, I had to get a shot at the doctor’s office. Close to passing out. I met with Neysa again. Finally, I had to get the shot. This time I refused to have my throat close up, tunnel vision, my hearing impaired, cold sweats and dizziness. I sat on the table and talked to the doctor about this shot I had to get, she said she would send a nurse in and to have a good day. I waited for a while, but this was good because I had to prepare. I started taking long deep breaths and visualized my place of serenity. I told myself over and over again that ‘these shots were making me better,’ ‘this isn’t going to hurt,’ ‘you’re going to be fine,’ ‘I am not going to pass out.’ So, the nurse walked in and started jibber-jabbering about who knows what. I told her not to tell me what she was doing, to just do it. I started counting down and breathing and kind of wondering when she was going to breathe because she seriously would not stop talking. I had to zone her out so I visualized the actual numbers as I was counting them down. She went in for the shot, I kept breathing and counting, and then it was over. I sat there for a few seconds waiting for the faint feeling to take me over and it never happened. I waited a little longer. Nothing. She’s still talking. I stop her and say, ‘I’m sorry, I have to interrupt you, I did not pass out. This is a huge deal for me. Ahh, this is amazing!’ She laughs and says, ‘No problem, glad I could help.’ I’m thinking, lady, you did absolutely nothing. That was all me.”
Relationships - Life & Goals
“What can I say? That you have been an unbelievable support, that working with you and learning with you allows me to see some issues clearly (often for the very first time), and that I am immensely grateful. I just want to say: well folks, Neysa is great and this stuff works, it actually really does, it worked for me and it will work for you.”
Life & Goals - Mood & Emotion Regulation
“Hypnosis helps me relax a lot and relieves my stress. It really helps to have someone to talk to about my life. Neysa provides support and helps me understand myself better. She helps me get clear on my goals and stay focused. Things just don’t bother me as much.”
Health & Wellness - Mood & Emotion Regulation
“Neysa Buckle has proven to be a tremendous resource for me in my quest to deal with chronic anxiety. When searching for a capable cognitive behavior(al) therapist, numerous therapists claimed to be versed in cognitive behavior(al) therapy, and possibly they had taken a course or two while in college, but Neysa is the only one I found in the Sarasota-Bradenton area who truly is superior in the field of cognitive behavior(al) therapy. She has proven to be an oasis of calm and reason for me and, in the time I have been seeing her, she has helped me change my perspective on many things, particularly myself. Neysa has tremendous insight, extensive training, and an intuition and intellect that I have found invaluable. When I think back on my first visit with her, after being seen at the Mayo Clinic, and told her all I had learned about the brain, she listened attentively and actively. It was only over time that I came to realize that she not only knew all the information I thought I was sharing with her, but had a vast depth of knowledge and expertise far beyond what I could have hoped to find. I could not be happier that I found her and I could not possibly endorse her services with more confidence and enthusiasm.”
Health & Wellness - Relationships
“You are wonderful! Thanks to you and (neurofeedback) HPN. Mom is more alert, focused and energized. Thanks so much for helping her.”
Listed in some directories as Jacqueline (first name)
Academic Credentials
J. Neysa Buckle, M.S., LMHC
Behavior Analyst / Therapist
M.S., Behavior Analysis & Therapy
SIU-Carbondale, IL
B.A., Psychology
SIU-Carbondale, IL
Professional Credentials
Licensed Mental Health Counselor
Certified High-Performance Neurofeedback Provider
Inactive Credentials:
Board Certified Behavior Analyst
HeartMath Certified Practitioner
Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor
Certified Cognitive-Behavior Therapist
Nat’l Board Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist
As a Behavior Analyst and Coach, I work with people who are curious about learning and growing in ways that create opportunities from life’s challenges. By focusing on achievement, exploring newly created options, and identifying potential barriers, coaching allows Clients to reach for more in life. Importantly, coaching is about doing something else to create the life you want—with the help of an experienced guide. My training and experience (of 30+ years) as a Behavior Analyst uniquely lends itself to identifying patterns, their origins, and how they’re maintained. Thus providing valuable information about what to do differently to achieve the results you want.
The field of Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) has many very useful applications to human behavior. Derived from the scientific study of behavior, it’s the ‘brass tacks’ of my clinical training. Having a solid behavioral background is an excellent springboard into other more eclectic approaches to helping people create, grow, and change in ways that are more authentic to the self. Incorporating Eastern philosophies and dialectical thinking allows shifts in perspective that can be very freeing. Advances in technology provide additional resources for self-regulation and self-awareness.
Coaching benefits include expert knowledge and decades of professional experience with a wide range of Clients. With Client-focused and whole-person care, the focus is on collaboration, as well as non-pharmaceutical and holistic interventions that tap into your intrinsic ability to heal. Insurance is not involved. Quick Start
As a Behavior Therapist, I work with people whose unwanted or unhealthy behavior is interfering with quality of life, mood, health, relationships, goals, etc. Behavior is defined as overt (observable actions of a person), covert (thoughts/beliefs), and somatic (body/emotional) responses. Therefore, Behavior Therapy is a whole-person approach, which also encompasses what is more popularly known as Cognitive-Behavior Therapy (CBT).
During my career, there have been many misconceptions about CBT. Among therapists, one is that anyone can do it without specialized training. Another is that ‘cognitive-behavioral’ refers primarily to cognitive behavior or thoughts. Or, that CBT just addresses the symptoms without getting to the deeper issues. Or, that Behavior Therapy is behavior modification with the implication that it is being done to you. BTW, that defines marketing tactics.
CBT is a bio-psycho-social approach to improved functioning that does not subscribe to the belief that getting to the ‘deeper’ issues will spontaneously provide relief. It’s about changing the brain by doing something different. There are key ingredients to Behavior Therapy that set it apart from other forms of therapy. Professional training and credentials plus the skillful use of evidence-based treatment (vs theories) are hallmarks of CBT.
Therapy benefits include expert knowledge and decades of experience in addition to Client-focused collaboration. For many, therapy involves insurance, which requires a diagnosis and becomes part of your permanent health record. You become a ‘patient’ and insurance dictates the course of treatment by ‘managing’ your ‘illness’ and deciding who, what, when, where, and how you receive services. Quick Start to submit your information and schedule an appointment.
Breathing Healing Mantras
Available on Google Play Books
Using biofeedback to measure heart-rate variability while reading a generic document. Compared to Breathing Healing Mantras (2:40).
Revisiting the Archives – In Process
Tools and Resources – In Process